Standard Milling

Ideal for powders with high melting point and low pharmacological activity

Standard milling is ideal for reducing particle size of powder without specific configurations. Using large grid holes with hammer mills or Quadro Co-mills, or selecting medium/low rotor speed for pin mills, prevents temperature increases and maintains powder integrity.

Products with a melting point above 200° C, good flowability, and a high dosage prescription indicating a low pharmacological activity are the best candidates for a standard milling process.

Standard Milling Process for Powder Production: Parameters and Considerations

Rotor speed, Feed Rate, and diameter of the grid’s holes are the process parameter to be controlled for the standard milling process. Rotor speed controls the energy utilized to crash the particles to generate smaller sizes. The feed rate defines the amount of powder inside the mill chamber and the milling energy that must be utilized. Finally, the diameter of the grid’s hole controls the residential time of the powder inside the mill chamber. Decreasing the diameter increases the probability for particles to be further reduced in size due to multiple collisions with the milling tools (hammer, blade, or different impeller types).

Mechanical milling at standard conditions offers several advantages, including achieving a tight PSD in size range of 50-150 microns, even under harsh milling conditions. This process can also efficiently reduce particle size, improve powder flowability, and increase surface area, enhancing product performance and functionality. Additionally, it can be a cost-effective and scalable method for manufacturing a wide range of products, including pharmaceuticals.


How it works

Mechanical milling at standard conditions using pin mill, hammer mill and Quadro Co-mill.

Mechanical milling at standard conditions involves milling a powder without any specific configuration to mitigate product-specific properties. Rotor speed, feed rate, and grid hole diameter are controlled parameters that determine the milling process.

  • Mechanical impact on particle collision
  • Reduction to 50 - 150 microns size
  • Multiple collision with the milling tools


A cost-effective and scalable method for manufacturing a wide range of products

This process can efficiently reduce particle size, improve powder flowability, and increase surface area, leading to improved product performance and functionality.

  • Achieve tight PSD in a size range of 50 - 150 microns
  • Harsh milling condition


Range of Application

  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Oral dosage form
  • Transdermal drug delivery
  • Oncological solid dosage form
  • New Chemical Entities, R & D

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